
San Francisco Employment Law Firm Blog


Why is workplace retaliation so common?

California Labor Department statistics suggests that workplace retaliation claims are on the rise more than other employment related claims, such as discrimination and harassment and hostile work environment related lawsuits. This is not surprising as I believe that besides the common reasons for these violations, such as lack of knowledge…


Harassment at Workplace and Avoidable Consequences Doctrine

Under the avoidable consequences doctrine, as recognized in California, a person injured by another’s wrongful conduct will not be compensated for those damages that the injured person could have avoided by reasonable effort. Thus, this doctrine gave rise to the duty to mitigate damages in employment cases – the duty…


Defeating the At-Will Employment Presumption in California

Under California law, an employee is presumed to be “at-will” employee unless agreed otherwise. Cal. Labor Code section 2922. “At will” means that an employee can be terminated for any reason, no reason, or arbitrary reason, as long as it’s not an unlawful reason (such as discriminatory or retaliatory discharge,…


Can a temporary condition be a protected disability under FEHA?

Employers often argue that because a worker’s health condition is temporary and passing, the condition can’t possibly be considered a disability under California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). The assume, relying mostly on intuition, that the concept of disability necessarily entails some kind of permanent impairment. The courts, however,…

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